Day One Trauma Support

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Day One is a national charity dedicated to supporting people affected by major traumatic injuries. We provide emotional and practical support – including financial and legal advice - for patients and their loved ones, in hospital and beyond.
Traumatic accidents or events can be life-changing and the journey ahead may be daunting. As well as coming to terms with the injuries and any disabilities, patients may also be worried about how their injuries will impact their ability to work, interact with family and their lives more generally.
Day One is here to listen and support patients, their family and loved ones, so they are not dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic incident alone and are supported to make the best possible recovery.
What constitutes a major trauma injury?
Over half of all major traumatic injuries are as a result of a road traffic accident; other common causes are industrial (or farming) accidents, sporting accidents, an assault, a fall from a great height and self-harm. There are around 20,000 major trauma cases in the UK every year and the average age of patients is just under 40 years old.
Common major traumatic injuries include multiple injuries to different parts of the body such as the chest, abdominal injury with a fractured pelvis; spinal injury; damage to internal organs; severe burns; and knife and gunshot wounds. Major traumatic injury is the main cause of death of people under the age of 40 with survivors often suffering long-term disability. (The Lancet: Changing the system – Major trauma patients and their outcomes in the NHS (England 2008 -17). Major Trauma is sometimes referred to as poly trauma.
When people are admitted to hospital the severity of their injuries are assessed and scored. The body is divided into six sections and the injuries in each section are given a scoring of between 1-6 (1 = Minor and 6 = Unsurvivable). The three highest injury scores (taken from three different regions of the body) are squared and added together to give a total score on the Injury Severity Scale. Anyone with a score of 16 or more is assessed to have a major traumatic injury.
How many people are affected by trauma injuries per year?
There are around 20,000 major trauma cases in the UK every year. The average age of patients is just under 40 years old (according to The Trauma Audit and Research Network).
Leeds MTC is the second busiest Major Trauma Centre across England, seeing some 1500 patients each year. The majority of patients are aged between 18 to 50 years old, but 10 percent are children.
Where do people go to get treatment for major trauma?
Major trauma injuries usually require specialist treatment, which is provided at 27 multi-specialty, consultant-led Major Trauma Centres across the UK.
What kind of support does Day One provide?
Day One Trauma Support steps in after the clinical team in Major Trauma Centres have treated someone’s physical injuries. The road to recovery after leaving hospital can be long and tough, so Day One provides access to a range of practical and emotional support services to help them recover.
Support from Day One is available for injured people themselves, but also for their loved ones or carers. Examples of the Day One’s services include:
- Listening support and shared experience via volunteer Peer Supporters
- Legal support for a whole range of issues, including injury compensation, employment rights and family matters
- Help to manage finances when a person’s injury makes them unable to work
- Support with benefits and welfare advice
- Help with making lifestyle adjustments where injuries affect people’s ability to participate in everyday family or community life
- Counselling and support with mental ill-health, such as post-traumatic stress disorder
How is Day One different to other trauma support charities?
Charities such as Headway or Assist are excellent resources for people with some traumatic injuries, however Day One is the first national charity to support all types of major traumatic injuries. It also prides itself on offering a first class Peer Supporter network, where people with lived experience of traumatic injuries listen and support patients at the start of their journey.
How long has Day One been in existence?
Day One was founded in 2014 by Professor Peter Giannoudis under the umbrella of Leeds Hospitals Trust, to support patients at the local Trauma Centre.
Day One has become a national independent charity as of May 2021. It has a long-term ambition to support all 27 Major Trauma Centres across the UK, and is about to launch in Aintree Major Trauma Centre under Liverpool Hospitals Trust.
How is Day One set to expand?
Day One’s goal is that everyone affected by major physical trauma is supported to navigate the challenges that they and their families face without feeling alone.
Since 2014 the charity has provided its services to patients admitted to the Major Trauma Centre at Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust and allied members of the West Yorkshire Major Trauma Network.
Its ambition is to roll out our proven model of support to all other 27 Major Trauma Networks and to have a presence in every Major Trauma Centre in the UK, ensuring that every patient affected by major traumatic injury in England can benefit from the advice and support they may need to embark on and improve their recovery journey. This includes creating a national network of Peer Supporters, a virtual community of people with ‘lived experience’ of major trauma who can provide a source of hope and inspiration to each other, as well as help inform improvements in NHS clinical care.
How can people get support from Day One?
Patients and loved ones can ask their Ward Manager about the support available and to be referred or directed to Day One Trauma Support. At Leeds Major Trauma Centre and Aintree Major Trauma Centre people will also be able to speak directly to a Day One Case Worker on the Ward.
Patients, loved ones and clinicians can self-refer/refer people via our website:
How can clinicians work with Day One?
To register interested in getting Day One support for patients at a particular Major Trauma Centre or hospital, clinicians should email: [email protected]