British Indian Orthopaedic Society (BIOS)

The British Indian Orthopaedic Society aims to provide educational support to the Orthopaedic surgeons of Indian currently in training or practising in the UK, as well as those who, at any time, have been trained in the UK but are settled in India or other countries.
BIOS also plays a key role in liaising between the Indian Orthopaedic Association and the British Orthopaedic Association. The Indo British Travelling Fellowships sponsored by BIOS are now well established and are receiving wider recognition. Indian Summer and British Autumn scientific meetings initiated and arranged by BIOS provide excellent platform for scientific exchanges between British and Indian Orthopaedics.
President: Sunil Garg
Honorary Treasurer: Rajesh Nanda
Honorary Secretary: Nitish Gogi & Rohit Rambani
Next BIOS meeting: 20-21st June 2025, Grantham
E-mail: [email protected]