22 Jan 2021

New guidance on COVID-19 vaccination, surgery and steroids

Guidance on the timing of vaccination, surgery and steroid injection, and other issues relevant to surgical patients is now available in the following two documents:

  1. 'Principles for COVID-19 Vaccination in Musculoskeletal and Rheumatology for Clinicians' (first published 14 Jan)  is backed by the BOA, and published on the website of ARMA (the Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance). It includes discussion of timing regarding surgery, steroid injection and vaccination. [External link]
  2. The Royal Colleges of Surgeons have published 'Information for surgeons on vaccination of patients awaiting surgery' (updated version 22 Jan), which covers timing of surgery and questions over prioritisation of patients awaiting surgery. [External link]

In addition, here is a resource for patients for shared decision making that covers a range of musculoskeletal issues relating to vaccination (including surgery and steroid injection). [External link]