06 Mar 2023

REDUCE hip fracture service implementation toolkit

The BOA is delighted to support a new 'toolkit' for senior doctors and hospital managers which has been launched by The Royal Osteoporosis Society (ROS) in collaboration with researchers from the University of Bristol. The toolkit is freely available to all and is aimed at improving patient care and reducing length of stay. Developed on the basis of extensive evidence gained from the REDUCE study of hip fractures, it will help make changes to organisational arrangements and improve the quality of hip fracture care across the UK. We are keen that the benefits are extended to all those patients who may be reasonably assumed to have similar needs; sometimes termed non-ambulatory fragility fractures.

University of Bristol press release: New guidance on hip fracture services will improve recovery for thousands of patients

The Royal Osteoporosis Society (ROS) REDUCE hip fracture service implementation toolkit