BOA General and Benevolent Fund
Your donations will make a difference
If you would like to donate to the BOA General Fund or the BOA Benevolent Fun, there are a number of ways that you can support us.
Did you know that you can help us raise funds simply by recycling your ink cartridges via our Recycle4Charity programme? For each ink cartridge recycled via the programme we will receive up to £2 donation. To send your cartridges or start collecting for us visit their website.
Always start at and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases, at no cost to you.
Give As You Live
Anytime you plan to do online shopping, head on over to Give As You Live, create an account, choose Joint Action as your cause, select your store and shop as normal. Once you’ve registered, you’ll only have to log in next time and it will remember you. Stores such as Tesco, John Lewis, Amazon and Sainsbury’s are part of the scheme. If you shop with them then they donate to us. There’s a video on their website and a step-by-step guide to help you.
eBay for Charity
Do you sell on eBay? When you create your listings, there’s an option to choose a charity to raise money for. You can choose to give a percentage of what you sell your item for to Joint Action (search for British Orthopaedic Association). There is more information in the “Help & Contact” section of the site if you need it. You can also add a donation when buying items from eBay.
Anytime you plan to do online shopping, head on over to create an account, choose Joint Action as your cause, select your store and shop as normal. Once you’ve registered, you’ll only have to log in next time and it will remember you. Stores such as Tesco, John Lewis, Amazon and Sainsbury’s are part of the scheme. If you shop with them then they donate to us. There’s a video on their website and a step-by-step guide to help you.
More About the Benevolent Fund

If you have any queries, please email us at [email protected].