Training & Education

05 Sep 2024

Organising an orthopaedic careers event: Our experience

By Dan Thurston and Sabri Bleibleh, on behalf of the Birmingham Orthopaedic Netw...
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Orthopaedics Online
02 May 2024

North West Orthopaedic Trainees Association ‘SAS Colleague of the Year’

By Antonio Frasquet Garcia

Orthopaedics Online
29 Feb 2024

Advancements in surgical simulation training in orthopaedics

By Usman Ahmed

Orthopaedics Online
11 Jan 2024

The demise of the ‘firm’ – explore the evolution of surgical and orthopaedic training in the UK. Does the current structure need a shake up?

By Conor Jones

Orthopaedics Online
26 Oct 2023

ORTHO-ALERT – Setting up a departmental bulletin of shared learning from surgical mistakes and masterpieces

By Robyn Brown

Orthopaedics Online
07 Sep 2023

Journey to the Specialist Register: CESR Route

By Ashish Narang

Orthopaedics Online
25 May 2023

An Out Of Programme Experience (OOPE) to gain clinical experience

By Ullas Jayaraju

Orthopaedics Online
11 May 2023

My time in clinical leadership

By Arthur Stephen

Orthopaedics Online
09 Jun 2022

2022 ABC Travelling Fellowship Blog

Orthopaedics Online
07 Apr 2022

OrthoBUDDY: Building Global Mentorship

South African Female Orthopaedic Surgeons' Society (SAFOSS) and BOA launch a new...
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Orthopaedics Online
11 Nov 2021

BASK Research Fellowship 

By Morgan Bailey

Orthopaedics Online
07 Jul 2021

National Selection to T&O ST3 posts in England 2020 & 2021

By Mark AA Crowther

Orthopaedics Online
03 Dec 2020

Overcoming the recruitment shortfall in orthopaedic surgery

By Haseem Raja

Orthopaedics Online
10 Jun 2020

How to organise a successful orthopaedic webinar

By Akib Khan, Abhinav Singh and Michael Pearse

Orthopaedics Online
07 May 2020

Virtual learning for SHOs – a further area to develop?

By Philip Beak

Orthopaedics Online
20 Apr 2020

Training in Orthopaedics: The Show Must Go On

By Morgan Bailey, Sabina Barbur, Daniel Cadoux-Hudson, Rishi Das and Daniel Mars...
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Orthopaedics Online
14 Apr 2020

Virtual arthroplasty training during the COVID-19 era: Is this the way forward?

by Mazin Ibrahim and Andrew Poole

Orthopaedics Online